Field Hockey Driving Toward Victory!

Photo by LORS Photography

Anthony "Ant" Sievers, Staff Writer

The Hawks Field Hockey team has put together a very hardworking group of young women this year. As a team, the expectations include improving field hockey skills, winning games, and having fun while doing it. Their new head Coach Maloney, intends on having the more experienced seniors teach the younger incoming freshmen. There are eleven seniors, three of which are captains including Madison Isphording, Riley Reardon, and Avary Ruocchio. As of September twenty eighth, senior Avary Ruocchio has seven career goals, senior Danessa Ruff has six career goals, and senior Sianna Blackwell has five career goals. Senior goalie Madison Phillips-Frazee has sixty eight saves for the season.

Maloney said, “My girls motivate me as a coach. When they show up every day, eager and ready to go, that motivates me each day to try my best for them.” One player that stands out would be the breakout freshman Marisiya Goins, who has a promising future over the course of the next few years, said Maloney.

Newcomer assistant Coach Campana is on the field for the first time since playing as a Hawk athlete herself. Maloney, also a hawk Alumni, graduated in two thousand fifteen and played for four years, is back sharing the field as new head coach. In regards to how Maloney feels about her days on the field, she states,One of my favorite memories on the field is beating the undefeated Pinelands in a game my sophomore year. It was almost ten years ago, and I still talk about it! A close second is my senior rainy night game scoring three goals while playing on the football field under the lights.”. 

Team growth is especially important when discussing best season moments with the players being able to bond with each other, whether it’s through the pasta parties or Color Wars. “I believe our team dynamic is very good. The starters have been together the last two to three years so they have been able to grow a bond and they can work with each other both on and off the field.” Maloney said.

Team members include,  Christyna Bea; senior (Defender), Sianna Blackwell; senior (Forward); Olivia Fiedler; junior (Forward), Madison Isphording; senior (Defender), Emily Kross; senior (Defender), Cheyenne Lowe; senior (Defender), Mia Marsango; senior (Forward), Jessica Mayer; sophomore (Midfielder), Riley McGuire; sophomore (Midfielder), Madison Phillips-Frazee; Senior (Goalie), RIley Reardon; Senior (Midfielder), Danessa Ruff; Senior (Forward), Avary Ruocchio; senior (Midfielder), Olivia Wilson; senior (Defender/Goalie). The coaches are Coach Maloney, Coach Campana, and Coach Felipe


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