Hawks Boys Soccer Heading To The Top

Photo by LORS Photography

Brianna Merz, Senior Content Editor

The varsity boys soccer team is off to a great start with the 2022 season. 

This year they have three captains on the team including Senior Diego Martinez, Senior Mubaraq Aderogba, and Junior Joey Kurak. All three of them are starters for the hawks. 

Senior Captain Diego Martinez has one  goal and six  assists for the hawks. One thing that makes him proud is the team. The most important thing for the team this year is “staying on the same page and having a good mentality.”

Sophomore Cody McLeod is a starting back. One thing he likes about this team this year is “We are taking it more seriously from the start of the season, rather than the end.”

Head Coach Madison’s goals for the season is for the boys to work hard and to win. He was motivated to be a coach by “When I was younger the coaches had an impact in my life.”

Junior Joey Kurak, Senior Evan Weiner, and Senior Mubaraq Aderogba are top 25 in scoring goals and Senior Diego Martinez with assists. 

The Coaches for the hawks are Coach Madison ( Head Coach), Coach Wood ( JV Coach), Other coaches are Coach Sal, and Coach Holzer. 

Returns: Diego Martinez, Mubarak Aderogba, Joey Kurak, Cody McLeod, Anthony Raimondi, Luis Camarena, Gabe Occhipinti, Aidan Clauburg, Noah Cundiff, Joel Panora, Matt O’Hara, and Max Anderson.