Key Club Holds Sock Drive


Skye Colon, Staff Writer

The Key Club is holding a sock drive to benefit the Kiwanis Club of Long Beach Island (LBI). Any socks that have never been worn will be accepted, although socks that are comfortable and warm are preferred to dressy socks.

Adviser Mrs. Zacchia said Key Club’s goal is to reach 100 pairs of donated socks by December 1. “Kiwanis of LBI will receive the donations to provide to homeless veterans, homeless families, and abused women with children in need by giving them a new pair of socks, preventing common foot ailments, reducing bacteria warming their feet and bringing dignity to a person’s life,” she said.  

There is a collection box outside of Mrs. Zacchia’s office in the Special Services Suite (Room 128), located near the bricks. 

To learn more about the drive, email Mrs. Zacchia at [email protected] or see any member of Key Club.