Come Support Our Girls Wrestling Team


Amarillys Jones, Writer

At Manchester Township High School, we have the privilege of having a Girls Wrestling Team. This winter season, all girls are welcome to join the team and learn how to wrestle. 

Returning Lady Hawk Wrestlers are Senior Sam Ruggiero, Juniors Alex Spear and Gianna Carino, and Sophomore Makenna O’Neill. The girls head coach is Coach Holzer and his assistant coach is Coach Stratton. 

“Our main goal is to continue to build our program and increase the number of Hawk Athletes who are wrestling,” Holzer said. “With that we have goals of having both boys and girls compete in Districts, Regions, and States this year.” 

Head Coach Holzer explained the coaches are very happy with the amount of excitement and enthusiasm shown by the wrestlers. “They are willing to learn and putting in hard work on a daily basis,”  he said.

Holzer said the team will open up at home in a Dual Match against Donovan Catholic on December 16. They have two tournaments on December 17: The girls are going to the Queen of the East Tournament at Jackson Liberty and the boys are going to the Boys Garden State Classic at Barnegat.  “Our Senior Night will follow that week at home against Lakewood on the 21,” he said.

Head Coach Holzer urged everyone to come out and support the Hawk wrestlers, who are working hard and looking forward to an exciting season.