Now You’ve Seen it All- Glowing Sharks!

This article is part of the marine life column!! Just when you think you’ve seen it all, there is a species of shark that can become bioluminescent!

Kitefin Shark, by DOGO News:

Jamie Jackson, Staff Writer

Just when you think you’ve seen it all, there is a species of shark that can become bioluminescent! 

That’s right, the kitefin shark, (also known as the seal shark or black shark,) can glow in the dark! It is believed that this shark uses its ability to glow to look like light from above, like a star, in an attempt to camouflage. 

While this shark has been known since the 18th century, it was only in 2020 that Jérôme Mallefet, a biologist, captured images of the shark glowing. 

The kitefin shark is a solitary animal that lives in the deep sea, and can grow up to 4 feet long. It primarily scavenges and eats smaller fish or crustaceans, but due to the nature of its teeth, it’s capable of taking large bites out of larger sharks and whales. 

According to A-Z animals, The kitefin shark is “…the largest of all the luminous shark species.”

You can identify a kitefin shark by its round nose, fins, and large eyes. Its body is cylindrical in shape, and is typically gray in color. Due to its round fins and body, this shark is not very fast. 

Since it lives in the deep ocean, it is highly unlikely that you will ever encounter one of these sharks. Additionally, their small size makes them not a threat to humans.