Poll: What Is Your Favorite Accessory?

Poll: What Is Your Favorite Accessory?

Lanna Eidell, Columnist

Accessories are a must-have for an outfit. Accessories help express your style and your identity. Jewelry is known for improving and adding some pizazz to the outfit. Hats can be an accessory, or tool and also bring the outfit together. Hair accessories are fun to use, add color, and add exciting elements to the outfit. Gloves make you look sophisticated and elegant. Bags help show your self-expression and show personality. Belts help give structure to the waist and garments. And finally, eyewear. Eyewear not only helps you see but also gives you or the outfit character. Many people depend on accessories to help with their outfits, but some use a minimalistic style and use little to no accessories. But what is your go-to accessory? What do you use to express yourself and your personal style?

What Is Your Favorite Accessory


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