The Pop

A Poem


Mr. Thomas Farrell, Contributor, Lit Mag

Ocean blue skies and heat rising from the turf

Through the crevasses of my facemask.

Never worked this hard.

Surpassed expectations.

This was my year.


First practice.

Very first drill –

I was going to go first.

It was my turn to show the coaches,

This was my year.


Dug my feet into the ground.

Stared at my competition.


Set, hut!

The whistle blew.


I was on the ground screaming.

As loud as a newborn.

Except they lose a cord

I lost my cartilage.


12 months later.

After the tears,

After the cast fitting,

After the wheelchair,

After the painful and grueling rehab,

It was August again.­


Ocean blue skies and heat rising from the turf

Through the crevasses of my facemask.

Never worked this hard.

Surpassed expectations.

This was my year.