The Truth About Hats and Hoods

The Truth About Hats and Hoods

Habibai Said, Staff Writer

More often than previous years, the security staff around the school have been asking students to take their caps off. Students are wondering why the regulations and enforcement surrounding wearing hats and hoods in the building have gotten more strict at MTHS. The standing rule has been in place for decades. But the new school year has provided the administration with the chance to refocus on the rule. 

According to the MTHS Student Handbook for 2022-2023, “Headwear cannot be worn at any time. This includes but not limited to hats, caps, hoods, visors, scarves, bandanas, do-rags/wave caps, or any other full head covering- religious exemptions permitted.” Students who fail to abide by this rule will be assigned up to 3 demerits and possible ISS. 

The school has this rule in place for the protection of students, staff and guests in the building. Security needs to recognize who is in the building at all times, and hats and hoods make it difficult.  

According to security officer Mr. Maloney, the rule has been placed to prevent harm inside the building.  He said, “In today’s society the safety and security of our students, staff and visitors has been magnified due to the amount of school violence.  With this comes the importance of being able to identify individuals as quickly as possible in an emergency situation. The quicker we can get information and identities out to the appropriate authorities, the faster we can try to end and prevent any further violence.” 

Like any rule or policy, this one has been made to maintain a safe school environment. Administration decided to refocus on the rule for the safety of everyone in the school building. 

The issue of hats and hoods being worn in school buildings is not new. A May 1999 Washington Post article discusses the issue in great detail. Writer Bob Levey addressed the question about why students were prohibited from wearing hats that were not deemed offensive. In 1999, hats could be associated with gang members and giving students attitudes.

In 2022, the most important reason for the rule against hats and hoods is safety and to keep everyone in the building safe.