This 2023 Cross Country Season at Manchester Township High School, the girls team welcomed a new head coach, Coach Jessica Struble. Struble is a math teacher and head coach of girls’ spring track and has now taken on the title of Girls Cross Country coach after former coach Rachel Kelly.
Entering the season with a set objective, Struble made it a goal to set the framework and foundation for the season and upcoming seasons. “I was able to get most of my distance girls to begin their program in July which includes pacing, warm up and cool down education and theory, drills, and weight room expectations” explains coach Struble.
As an experienced track coach, Struble understands the importance of having the right mentality and a well-needed pep talk.
When asked about what she loves most about coaching Struble states, “My favorite part about coaching is to see the look on my athletes’ faces when they reach their “moment”. That moment when they reach a goal they set for themselves and or blow a personal record out of the water. I also really love those hard conversations when the athlete may not be progressing as fast as they think and then training the athlete to step back and look at their current situation with an honest open mind. Get honest about their abilities, training and possibly having a hard conversation about switching events.”
As the season comes to its near end, Struble and the Manchester Girl’s Cross Country team have brought much improvement and memories to the sport. Everyone has broken their personal record and there have been many team bonding practices throughout the summer and fall practices that have brought the team closer.
“I am proud to have them call me coach” – Struble states proudly!